Athours' Guidline

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Authors guideline
Archives of Occupational Health (AOH) is a peer reviewed open access journal and publishes papers related to all areas of occupational health including air pollution, thermal environments, noise exposure, occupational safety, occupational diseases and ergonomics. All steps in the submission process in the AOH are based on an electronic submission at the journal website:
To access submission page, please go to then at “for authors” tab click on submission form. After logging in to the website you can submit your manuscript to the AOH.
Aim and Scope
AOH publishes original research articles, brief reports, narrative review, systematic review, letters to editor and editorials. The main areas of interest in AOH are (but not exclusive to):
  • Occupational health
  • Air pollution
  • Air sampling and sampler development
  • Air sampling methods development
  • Occupational toxicology
  • Occupational ergonomics
  • Noise pollution in environment & workplace
  • Thermal stress and heat exposure
  • Occupational epidemiology
  • Occupational diseases
  • Ergonomics
  • Lighting in environment & workplace
  • Ionizing & non-ionizing radiation exposure in environment & workplace
Language and style
Papers must be written in English. All submission must be in Microsoft Word document (*.doc) doubled-spaced format. PDF files are not acceptable. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter. The cover letter should include the flowing points:
  • The manuscript Have not been previously published
  • The manuscript Have not been submitted for publication or are not going to be sent to other journals
  • All authors are aware about submission of the manuscript and approved it
  • The manuscript conduction is according to the ethical codes in the research
Publication Charges (APCs)
Publication in AOH is completely free of charge and there is no APCs. AOH is an open access journal. All costs of article processing are covered by Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences. 

Paper submission
The manuscripts should be submitted to The original manuscripts should contain the flowing sections:
  • Title
  • Author(s) name
  • Authors affiliations
  • The corresponding author's name and surname and contact information including telephone number, and email address
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Acknowledgement
  • Authors contribution
  • References
  • Tables (if any)
  • Figures (if any)
  • Supplementary materials (if any)
Articles should be between 3000 and 8000 words in length. This includes all text including references and appendices. This range is flexible under specific circumstances depends on authors(s) request. All measurements must be given in SI units. There is no restriction on number of figures or tables. However, because of limitations in the printed version only up to 4 tables and three figures will be placed in the manuscript body and further tables and figures (if any) will be published in online version as a supplementary material.
Color Contents
We encourage you to submit your figures and artworks in color. AOH publish in color and there is no restriction for submission in black and white martials.
Title page
Title page should contain the following items:
  • Article type
  • Article Title
  • Author details (please provide full author information include Full name of each author, Affiliation of each author, contact information of who should be contacted for correspondence, E-mail address of the corresponding author)
  • Ethical board registration code

Abstract and keywords
Abstract should be structured in four section including background, methods, results and conclusion. Please provide 3 to 5 keywords (based on MeSH terms) at the end of the abstract. It is mandatory to use Mesh terms as a keyword.
State the background, challenges and your approach to tackle this challenges or objectives of the work.
Materials and Methods
Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods should be indicated by references. The ethical issues should be stated in the materials and methods section.
Results should be clear and concise. Please report all numbers with two decimals. In the case that the p-value is reported in your analysis as zero, please write it as p<0.001.
  • AOH has several predefined abbreviation and it is not necessary to mention its full format at the end of tables or figures. For example SD(standard deviation), p (p- value) n (number of samples) are predefined abbreviation in the AOH.
This should be exploring the significance of the results of the work.
Conflict of interest statement
Authors should declare possible conflict of interests at the end of manuscript just before references.
Collate acknowledgments in a separate section at the end of the article before the references. Research funding and grant numbers (if any) should be disclosed at the acknowledgement section.
References should be numbered consecutively (Vancouver style) and cited in the manuscript text by superscript number after the completion of the sentence.
For example:
 “Occupational exposure to unwanted noise is one of the most important issues in metal industries.1
  • We strongly suggest authors to use reference management software’s such as EndNote, Citavi, Reference Manager in preparation of the references.
  • Style of AOH references are provided for different citation manager and are available at the website of the journal at “Authors guide section”.

All Figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form at the end of manuscript. We encourage authors to submit the figures in color. Print in color in AOH is free of charge
Tables should be placed at the end of main body of the manuscript. However, the preferred position of each table should be clearly labelled in the body text of the manuscript. As a general rule tables should be self-standing, therefore please give full title to each table.
Equations and mathematical expressions should be numbered and provided in the main text of the paper.
Evolution Face of Occupational Health
Original  Article
Occupational Exposure to Nickel in Glaze Workers
Fatemeh Kargar Shouroki, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Farideh Golbabaei, Abolfazle Barkhordari, Abbas Rahimi-Froushani
Shift Work in Medical Students: A Cross-sectional Study on Medical Interns
Fatemeh Samadi, Aram Tirgar, Maryam Nikpour, Alireza Sefidchian
Association between risk-taking behaviors and safety culture in construction workers
Beheshti MH, FirooziChahak A, R Hajizadeh
The Prevalence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Radiotherapists
Bahram Kouhnavard, Hamideh Mihanpour, Somayeh Bolghanabadi
Risk Factors of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Bus and Truck Drivers
Kamalodin Abedi, Ebrahim Darvishi, Sara Karimi, Hossein Ebrahimi, Reza Charkhandaz Yeganeh, Sonya Salimi
Design and Evaluation of a Test Atmosphere System for Passive Samplers Development
Abdulrahman Bahrami
Association between Sleep Disorders and Occupational Accidents
Saeed Yazdaniraad, Amirhossein Khoshakhlagh, Hossein Fallah, Zahrasadat Keyvanian, Vali Sarsangi

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