Volume 6, Issue 2 (April 2022)                   AOH 2022, 6(2): 1236-1242 | Back to browse issues page

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Sobhani S, Tabanfar S. Assessment of Covid-19 Anxiety and Its Relationship with Sleep Quality in Industrial Workers: a Case Study. AOH 2022; 6 (2) :1236-1242
URL: http://aoh.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-307-en.html
1- Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public health, Qazvin University of Medical Science, Qazvin, Iran
2- Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public health, Qazvin University of Medical Science, Qazvin, Iran , saratabanfar.1994@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1045 Views)
Background: Due to the prevalence of the Covid-19 virus and its effects on people's lives and the lack of studies on non-health workers, the present study was conducted to evaluate Covid-19 anxiety and its relationship with sleep quality among industrial workers. Methods: The research method was descriptive and cross-sectional. We selected 212 individuals using random sampling. Data were collected using a demographic information questionnaire, the Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (CDAS), and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). For data analysis, Pearson correlation test, independent t-test, and ANOVA were used in SPSS software version 24. Results: The mean age of participants was 33.27±6.6, 78.8% of whom were male, and 79.3% were married. The CDAS and PSQI score's mean and standard deviation were 11.60±8.2 and 5.37±1.7, respectively. There was a significant relationship between CDAS scores and age (P= 0.008) and work experience (P= 0.005). Also, a significant relationship was observed between PSQI score and age (P= 0.032) and work experience (P= 0.009). There was a significant correlation between CDAS and PSQI scores (r= 0.341 and P= 0.007). People with lower levels of education showed high anxiety scores and poor sleep quality. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the authors concluded that by reducing anxiety, the quality of sleep could be increased. Therefore, to reduce anxiety and increase the quality of sleep and employee productivity, the researchers suggest that factory managers identify and eliminate the causes of anxiety by establishing continuous and regular mental health training.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2022/01/26 | Accepted: 2022/04/27 | Published: 2022/05/29

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